Spitfire Girl
What Jackie did when not in the air?
Jackie married Captain Reg Moggridge of the Royal Engineers
Jackie's husband Reg was ahead of his time - he was her rock- he said "I would never stop her flying I would have loved to do what she can do."
His reply to male chums who said "You let your wife drive you?" Was "Wellshe can fly a plane of course she can drive a car and she doesn't drink."
To Reg
You are my love
And my delight
Your are the thrill
I find so sweet
Wrapped in your arms
I am complete
In the darkness of the night.

Reg took over the family building business TH Moggridge and Sons who had built much of Taunton since the 1800s. They were proud of Old Taunton Library, the commemorative bronze plaque has now moved to the new Library and can be seen by the entrance.

A proud moment T H Moggridge and Sons having built Taunton Library. My Great Grandad Thomas Henry built most of Tauntons large houses.

"My father, Reg, was the quiet strength behind Jackie. He fully supported her need to fly and was immensely proud of her achievements. They met at a dance in 1940 but the war kept them apart for most of their courtship."
"Reginald Moggridge drawn by his wife." Published in the
T H Moggridge and Sons Xmas Bulletin when they were sold to Pearce Construction.

Jackie, Jill, Vicky Gill, (On floor) Reg, Aunty Mary, Eve Gill nee Moggridge (2nd row) Gerald Moggridge, Bill Milbank, Barbara Gill

Sidney Moggridge unknown, Nelly and Sidyney's father Thomas Henry. Evelyn Reg's older sister in front.
A French magazine Illustre did three featres on Jackie in 1957
Three invitations to HM the Queen's Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace 1966, 1969 and 1998. Jackie admired Queen Elizabeth being the same age and height as herself. Jackie always admired her strong sense of duty and hard work and sympathized with the fact that she too had to navigate through committees of grey haired old men.

Jackie as local celebrity: interviewed by Richard Dimbleby for Down Your Way, with Jill proudly looking on
Jackie was in a few TV shows. She was Angela Rippon's first interview in Open House for Westward TV (see letter) and years later Angela RIppon danced on TV with Jackie's daughter Veronica, in the famous Angela Rippon news reader to chorus girl, Morcombe and Wise sketch.
Jackie also appeared on Kilroy Silk's TV show (I saw an Angel) and Jackie also appeared as the mystery guest in "What's my line" Did they guess she was an Airline Captain?

Maggie Frost ATA reunion

Anyone for Tennis? Jackie also loved to play Hockey at School
Reg Jackie and Gerald (Reg's brother).

Jackie loved to sing and dance (see Song and Dance Tab). She adored movie stars, she copied their clothes and kept this autographed photo from Diana Durban and Laurence Olivier's autograph.

Jackie with Reg, Veronica and Candida at the home she loved West Highlands, Taunton. She cried when they sold it in 1979.

Her political career was short but she did manage more votes than any previous Conservative candidate in the constituency.

Jackies Family in South Africa
Jackie took Candy, age 11, to see her family back in South Africa. This was the first time Candy had met her Grandmother Veronica Helling.
See both pics of all the aunts and cousins in Pretoria, Jo-burg, Durban and Matatielle

Her mother Veronica, Candy, Reg, Jackie and brother
Laurence Pearce
All the aunts and cousins in SA . pic top left brother Laurence family Pretoria, 2 pics below her Aunty Mary Sorour family Matatiele, and Durban, Rt pic brother Eddie family Jo-burg.
Jackie loved to meet her old ATA pals. This pic of her in the chair was the last time she saw them as she died in 2004 after Channel 5 had just completed the series Forgotten Pilots.
Jackie never saw the film in which she appeared with the other amazing members of the ATA. Robyn Toyne the Director did a moving memorial to her at the end.

Mary Ellis Jackie taught her to fly before Mary joined the ATA
ATA reunion Dinner

"We are going to London to see the Queen"
ATA 60th Annicresary, Buckingham Palace, 14th July 1999. Jimi Nettleton, Maggie Frost, Diana Barnato, Freydis Sharland, Jackie Moggridge, (unknown) and Joy Lofthouse.

Jackie did lots of charity work and was awarded this certificate of appreciation from the Red Cross.

Granny Jackie was an amazing grandmother who loved her two grandchildren Ashleigh and Lara. She looked after them everyday Candy worked. Here they are on her 80th Birthday in 2000, Lara was 2 and Ash was 8 years old
Jackie donated the Jackie Moggridge Cup to the British Women Pilot's Association awarded yearly to an outstanding woman pilot. Her daughter continues to present the award at the BWPA AGM Dec 3rd 2018 Candy with award winner Sue Tuddenham

British Woman's Pilots Association Award